The NRCS is accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2025 for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Conservation Stewardship Program, Regional Conservation Partnership Program and Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, which help a wide variety of producers, including urban and organic producers.
NRCS accepts producer applications for its conservation programs year-round. Tennessee producers who are interested in implementing conservation practices to improve natural resources on their farmland have until Friday, November 15 to submit their application for financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Conservation Stewardship Program, Regional Conservation Stewardship Program, and Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.
NRCS is an agency committed to “helping people help the land”—our mission is to provide resources to farmers and landowners to aid them with conservation.
Did you know that our office is happy to provide free technical advice to all landowners in Henry County? Our soil conservationists can meet with landowners and provide free technical advice for erosion problems that will help conserve, maintain and improve our natural resources.